
Review of Honey Portion Cups - 0.5 oz x 140 pcs (1 case) by D'arbo, Austria.

When I ordered the product, I thought the shipping cost was very high, but paid it because I had trouble finding honey portions like this elsewhere.The product arrived, and the honey was old and crsytallized to the point of being unusable, but I did not return it because there were no instructions about sending it back, and I did not want to pay the shipping cost, which was almost the price of the product, twice.So I just didn't say anything.
Then Amazon asked me to review the product, and I did, giving it one star based on the condition of the product.I immediately began to get a series of outraged e-mails from "customer service" at the company, who tried to persuade me to remove the rating in a number of clumsily manipulative ways, starting with the allegation that my negative review was somehow hurting the US economy.I found that particularly curious, since the company was supposedly Austrian (accounting for the ridiculous shipping costs!)
I responded by explaining the condition in which the product was received, and telling them why I hadn't returned it.They ignored what I said about the condition of their product through a series of e-mails, and then finally offered me a bribe of 80% of the shipping cost if I would remove the negative rating.They offered to explain how I could do that so that they would be able to refund part of the shipping.I turned them down.Then, they basically said I was lying about the condition of the product, and said that I should have returned it within 48 hours if I didn't like it.I explained once more why I hadn't, and noted that there had been nothing said about 48 hours at any previous time.I explained that I would either like a refund or a replacement.Neither was offered.They company is rude, insulting, and unresponsive to customer dissatisfaction.The product was inferior and overpriced.I would suggest you avoid these people completely, and not make the mistake I did.

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Product Description:
Honey Portion Cups - 0.5 oz x 140 pcs (1 case) by D'arbo, Austria. Offer your guests nothing but the best for breakfast - D'arbo natural preserves. Each case contains 140 portions of 0.5 oz/14 gr honey portion cups.

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